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A real-world reality?

Hope for the world!

May 23, 2022 •

I feel compelled to offer some words of comfort during these troubled times as I must admit to being simply astonished at the events that have happened since late 2019… Having followed our Lord Je...

What every Christian should know…

What every Christian should know…

But dont...!

Feb. 16, 2022 •

A friend of mine pointed out an interesting comment by Dr. Michael Heiser in his podcast numbered 380 at about the 45-minute mark in answer to a question regarding Orthodox and Roman Catholic c...

How did we get here?

Mind games?

March 28, 2020 •

Reality is defined by the Collins dictionary as “the state of things as they are or appear to be, rather than as one might wish them to be”. A further definition can be found in the Oxford dictiona...

An overview of why I am a Christian?

So what are you?

Jan. 28, 2020 •

So what is a Christian? A Christian is a follower (or disciple) of the teachings of Jesus Christ… So who is Jesus Christ? Jesus is the Son of the one and only true God and was sent by God to teach ...

Are you really free?

Jehovahs Witnesses

May 1, 2019 •

About 25 years ago, my wife and I left the Jehovah’s Witnesses organisation (legally known as Watchtower) because of their teaching of “two classes of Christians structure”. (e.g for example … apos...

Deeds of loving-kindness takes precedence over Worship

April 26, 2015 •

During my holidays, I have been reading a new book called “The unfolding mystery of the divine name” by Michael P Knowles which I found in the markdown section of our local Christian bookshop. ( I ...

What you need to know before we proceed beyond the overview.

March 31, 2023, 4:40 p.m. •

I believe that all we need to understand about God and his son Jesus at this moment is contained in the Bible. And since most of the major translations of the Bible are attempting to faithfully tra...

What about Science?

March 31, 2023, 4:41 p.m. •

This is my attempt to provide pointers to help understand what “science” actually is in contrast to what it appears to be. The definition of the term, “science” from the Oxford dictionary is “know...